16 March 2010

Bouquet 2

Another addition to my Flowers for Self collection. I suppose I should at least ask the florist the names of these lovely flowers, so that I may share with more detail. I was drawn to this arrangement because it holds the promise of a beautiful spring to come.

Originally uploaded by Tracy's Passion

13 March 2010

Thrifty Treasures!

So very excited about my latest thrift store find! Three great pieces all in the same day at the same location! I look forward to getting them cleaned up and placed in my office. E-mailed these images to my mother this morning and she absolutely loves the bench. I still can't believe I paid less than 125.00 for such lovely items. I am delighted!

04 March 2010


KOLO photo album
Originally uploaded by Andy Woo
I am absolutely in love with KOLO products! The design, the texture, the SIMPLICITY. What more do you need in an album? There is a page for your photo and an adjacent page for journaling. Very basic, very efficient.
I'm sure to start my very own KOLO library. Stay tuned for KOLO inspired creations!

02 March 2010

Flowers for Self

Flowers (Feb 2010)
Originally uploaded by Tracy's Passion
I have recently began to buy myself flowers. I have discovered the joy of selecting beautiful flowers for my house. I don't garden and am only capable of sustaining cactus plants. But,I have found that I deserve flowers more frequently than they are given to me. Flowers provide an instant mood shift for me, especially in these cold, gray winter months. This is such a sweet act of self-kindness, I am compelled to share with you every bouquet for the rest of the year! What a simple pleasure. Everyone deserves fresh flowers on their table!

28 February 2010

Pancakes squared?

I have ALWAYS loved pancakes but, I never understood why we must cut them up into these neat little squares before scoffing them down. One more thing to ponder...And yes, I made these. The burnt edges are actually quite tasty.

27 February 2010

Blogstation:The Humble Beginnings of a Home Office

I was up early this morning. Coffee in hand, I rushed downstairs into "my space" (not quite officially an office)to post something interesting to my new blog. BUT, I could not find space to rest my coffee mug. My desk was a hot funky mess! What was a girl to do? Declutter perhaps? Where is Niecy Nash when you need her? I was on my own. So, I dove right into the chaos. I removed everything NOT related to fostering creativity. Out with the chocolate candy wrappers, Christmas ornaments, not-so-lucky lottery tickets and the like. I need a zen-like space, a place to blog AND enjoy my morning brew. So, what do you think of the changes? (Click on images to enlarge)

26 February 2010

Passion Defined

pas*sion (noun) strong and barely controllable emotion
*a state or outburst of such emotion* intense sexual love* an intense desire or enthusiasm for something* a thing arousing enthusiasm.
Used in a sentence: Tracy has a passion for life and her camera, especially!